AmzChart Coupons - ✅100% Verified Deals Nov 2024


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Try the Premium Features of Pro for 7 days at just $1 by using this deal. Less

AmzChart Coupon Codes, Promo Codes and Deals

Find the best AmzChart coupon codes and deals here. Use these exclusive AmzChart promo codes and offers to save on your AmzChart subscription!

Offers Details Codes/Deals
AmzChart Discount Coupon Discounts on AmzChart Subscription Plans AFFCOUPON
AmzChart Offer  $95 Off for 6 Months on PRO Plan Get Deal
AmzChart Promo Offer 40% off on Annual AmzChart PRO Plan AFFCOUPON
AmzChart Discount  7 Day Trial on AmzChart PRO Plan Get Deal

AmzChart Review: The Ultimate Amazon Product Research Tool 

With millions of products available on the platform, it’s crucial to have a reliable tool that can help you identify high-potential, low-competition niches.

What is AmzChart?

AmzChart is a comprehensive solution that provides Amazon sellers with valuable insights into product performance, market trends, and competitor analysis. By leveraging its massive database and advanced algorithms, AmzChart empowers sellers to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition.


AmzChart’s Key Features


  • Extensive Product Database: At the core of AmzChart lies an extensive database containing over 50 million products across nine Amazon marketplaces, including the US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, India, Mexico, and the UAE. This vast repository is updated daily, ensuring that you have access to the latest product information and trends.
  • In-Depth Product Research: With advanced filters and customizable search options, you can narrow down your search to find products that meet your specific criteria, such as Best Seller Rank (BSR), price range, review count, and more. This feature allows you to identify high-demand, low-competition products with ease.
  • Market Insights: AmzChart’s Market Insights feature provides valuable data on categories, subcategories, and niche markets. You can analyze factors such as total listings, review growth, and average prices to identify the most profitable opportunities.
  • Competitor Tracking: AmzChart’s competitor tracking feature allows you to monitor your rivals’ product performance, including BSR fluctuations, price changes, and review updates. This information can help you adjust your strategies accordingly and maintain a competitive edge.
  • Keyword Scout: AmzChart’s Keyword Scout feature enables you to research your competitors’ keywords and find the best ones to promote your products effectively.

Step to Sign Up

Signing up for AmzChart is a breeze. Follow these simple steps:


  1. Visit the AmzChart website (
  2. Click on the “Register” button in the top-right corner.
  3. Choose your preferred registration method (email or Google account).
  4. Fill in the required information and complete the registration process.

Upon successful registration, you’ll have access to AmzChart’s free plan, which includes limited product research and market insights.

Pricing Models of AmzChart

AmzChart offers three pricing plans to cater to different business needs:


  1. Basic Plan: Starting at $9 per month, the Basic Plan offers access to the US, Japan, and Germany marketplaces, with 20 daily uses for product search, refresh, and export.
  2. Pro Plan: The Pro Plan, priced at $49 per month (or $349 annually), unlocks unlimited product research, market insights, and marketing details across nine Amazon marketplaces. It also includes features like product tracking, hijacker alerts, and keyword scout.
  3. VIP Enterprise Plan: For high-volume Amazon sellers, AmzChart offers a customizable VIP Enterprise Plan with advanced features and dedicated support. Pricing for this plan starts at $3,600 per year.

Frequently Asked Questions for AmzChart

Q: Can I try AmzChart for free?

A: Yes, AmzChart offers a free plan with limited access to its features, allowing you to explore the platform before committing to a paid subscription.

Q: Does AmzChart offer a money-back guarantee?

A: AmzChart provides a 30-day money-back guarantee for its paid plans, ensuring that you can try the software risk-free.

Q: Can I use AmzChart for international markets?

A: Absolutely! AmzChart supports nine Amazon marketplaces, including the US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Japan, India, Mexico, and the UAE.

Q: Does AmzChart offer any integrations?

A: Yes, AmzChart integrates with popular platforms like Canva and Google Slides, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate voice overs into your existing workflows.

AmzChart, Boom for Amazon Sellers

AmzChart is for Amazon sellers looking to streamline their product research process and stay ahead of the competition. With its extensive database, advanced features, and user-friendly interface, AmzChart empowers sellers to make informed decisions and maximize their sales potential.


Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your Amazon business with AmzChart. Sign up for their free trial today, or use our exclusive “AmzChart Coupons” to get a special discount on your subscription.

Unlock the power of data-driven product research and take your Amazon sales to new heights!